Study on Bridge Rehabilitation and Strengthening

  • JBEC has a accumulated record of results in detailed investigations and study on rehabilitation and strengthening for the causes of damages (fatigue, salt damage, and ASR (Alkali-Silica Rreaction)) found allover country.
  • JBEC has a wealth of study results in connection with special bridge rehabilitation and strengthening, including seismic retrofit.

Investigation of Causes of Bridge Damage

[ Record of Commissioned Work ]

  • Investigation of cause of fatigue crack damage in beam-to-column connections of steel piers and study of rehabilitation /strengthening methods
  • Detailed investigation of damage in orthotropic steel decks and study of rehabilitation and strengthening
  • Investigation of cause of damage due to salt damage and study on rehabilitation
  • Investigation of cause of damage due to ASR and study of rehabilitaion

Study on Advanced and Special Bridge Rehabilitation/Strengthening

[ Record of Commissioned Work ]

  • Study on seismic retrofit methods
  • Detailed investigation of earthquake-damaged bridges and study of rehabilitation/strengthening methods
  • Study on rehabilitation/strengthening methods for bridges affected by scouring・Emergency inspection of damaged bridges and study of rehabilitation/strengthening methods
  • Establishment of maintenance plans for historical long-life bridges